Performative walk // 16th of July 2021 // Part of the project ‘Walking Landscapes’My granddad was one of my favourite people and one of the most intelligent human beings I have known. He never had a formal education and through his life, he worked as a milk man, a pig farmer and a sweeping man. When I knew him, he was retired and often sat in his chair reading Kierkegaard, Platon or other philosophical writers. He collected quotes and shortly before he died, he returned to me a notebook I had made for him, with all the quotes he had collected on small scraps of paper over the years. Besides reading my granddad went for a daily walk around the small town where he and my grandmother lived, and he reckoned, like the philosophers, he was reading, that walking was good for both body and mind.
On Friday the 16th of July I, as a part of the artistic walking project ‘Walking Landscapes’, departed from my grandparent’s old house in Laven and went for a 12-hour long walk with my granddad’s quote-book and my camera. Every hour I read a quote and with that in mind made an interaction with the landscape to create a photographic image. I could be followed live every hour on ‘Walking Landscapes’ Facebook page.
The walk is one of 140 walks being performed through landscapes around Denmark in summer and autumn of 2021 and is arranged by @metropoliskbh and for the walks around Silkeborg in collaboration with @silkeborgbad
- Lotte Fløe Christensen
The walk is one of 140 walks being performed through landscapes around Denmark in summer and autumn of 2021 and is arranged by @metropoliskbh and for the walks around Silkeborg in collaboration with @silkeborgbad
- Lotte Fløe Christensen
About the walk
by art historian Iben From
Art Centre Silkeborg Bad
(in Danish)
Extract from text about all the Silkeborg walks: Walking Landscapes Silkeborg
Landskabet som nøgle til identitet og historie
Billedkunstner Lotte Christensen formidlede selve landskabet i området vest for stationsbyen Laven. Karaktertrækkene holdt hun frem gennem nøje tilrettelagte billedvinkler, der samtidig gav anledning til kultur- og kunsthistoriske ekskurser og præsentation af tidligere tiders filosoffers udsagn om natur. På den måde fik hun blandet andet rettet fokus henimod, at der er eksistentielle og kulturhistoriske dimensioner indlejret i landskabet, og ikke mindst i hvordan mennesket både har forstået og forstår landskab og natur. Hun pegede også både på sit eget kunstprodukt som netop en konstruktion og på en kunsthistorisk dimension ved gennem en tydelig repetitiv fotograferingsproces at vise, hvorledes afbildning af et landskab er en bevidst tilrettelæggelse. Samtidig kunne hun spejle et element fra sin egen familiehistorie ind i udsagnet i endnu en understregning af, at naturen er størst og længst – og det enkelte menneske eller den enkelte tidsæra blot forbipasserende.